Report Editor
Report Editor
The Report Editor allows the user to configure one or more reports for future use by the Report Scheduler. A large variety of graphical and tabular report types are available. Airodis provides a great deal of flexibility in the report appearance and for the time periods for which data is to be reported.
reporteditor 2
The Report Editor allows the user to configure one or more reports for future use by the Report Scheduler. A large variety of graphical and tabular report types are available. Airodis provides a great deal of flexibility in the report appearance and for the time periods for which data is to be reported.
Graph Stations & Channels
Airodis provides the user with the flexibility to choose what stations and what channels will be configured for graphing. Using the “Station” tab, individual channels from each station can be configured or all channels from a station can be configured with a single click of the mouse.
On the left are all stations and channels logged and on the right are only those channels for which reports are required. It is then user selectable which channels will be used in a report or graph.
Report Editor - Channel Settings
The Report Setting Tab allows you to easily view and make changes to the time period for your report as well as change page settings such as margins, page dimensions and orientation.
Report Editor Graph Definitions
Graphs and tables in your report can easily be configured by simply clicking on the graph or table. This will popup the Graph Definition window which enables the user to choose the report type, data range and configure all of the graph settings.
Graph Definitions Data Set
In this tab you include the channels that will be reported and how they will be reported. You can change the reporting interval, display units, line colours and plot type. Plot types include: line, area, bar, spline or point. You can even determine what calculated data will be reported.
Graph Definitions Calculations
A wide variety of calculated data can be included in your reports. Including latest data, earliest, maximums, minimums, averages, standard deviations, geometric means etc.
Graph Definitions Level Markers
The level marker function allows you to insert levels into your graph, these might be EPA limits or some other limit. This will then be included in the graph. Multiple level markers can be inserted with ease.
Graph Definitions Preview
The preview tab allows you to inspect your graph output, you can then make further changes if you wish.