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Data Reports


Airodis simplifies the task of report generation through the use of an easy to use interface and by storing the configuration of each report for future use. Reports can be sent directly to a printer, emailed or sent via FTP to a web server.

Airodis allows users to fully customize their data reports. A variety of graphical and tabular data objects as well as text and image objects can be inserted into each report. All objects can be fully configured enabling styles, colours and fonts to be easily changed. Data objects are available for any user definable period including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly periods.

Data can be presented in reports as tables, bar graphs, distribution graphs, frequency graphs, polar plots and/or wind Rose. More advanced graphical reporting is also available through combining with exceedence reports, a pollution index (data points plotted against defined threshold levels) or even a map showing the physical location and direction of pollutants.

The Airodis Report Scheduler provides the user with the ability to generate one or more saved reports automatically for a given period at a predefined time. For instance real time reports generated every 5 minutes, or daily, weekly, monthly and/or annual reports. This provides the user the flexibility to generate different reports to meet their operational requirements. Reports can be automatically exported into an image file, updated in real-time on a screen, emailed sent via FTP to a web server for display on a website.



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