Data Loggers
Airodis communicates with a wide variety of instruments and data loggers to automatically download data for incorporation into the SQL database.
If you don't already have a data logger than we'd recommend using Ecotech's WinAQMS Data Acquisition System which communicates seamlessly with Airodis.
Ecotech's offers two main data acquisition platforms which each utilise Ecotech's WinAQMS software.
- WinAQMS Data Acquisition System - Used to log data, send alarms for exceedences or activate instruments (such as calibrations)
- WinAQMS Mini Data Acquisition System - Ultra compact full featured data acquisition & control system
WinAQMS Data Acquisition SystemA Data Acquisition System utilised in air quality and/or emissions monitoring should do far more than simply collect data: |
- It should provide a means for remotely checking the system and each individual analyzer
(enabling faults to be quickly diagnosed and often remedied without visiting the system) - It should enable analyzers and calibration system to be configured remotely
(avoiding costly onsite visits to the station) - It should reliably log data directly from the instruments in digital form
(eliminating noise present in analog signals) - It should automatically warn the user of measurement exceedances or events such as calibration failures
- It should be easy to use
The WinAQMS data acquisition system is designed to provide users with all these benefits, and much more.......